
Foreshore and Seabed Act Review - Report Released

Submitted by admin2 on Wed, 01/07/2009 - 3:37pm

Foreshore law failing Maori, should be scrapped: Report2:05PM Wednesday Jul 01, 2009

Maori Party co-leader Pita Sharples. Photo / Mark Mitchell

A review of the controversial Foreshore and Seabed Act says it should be repealed.

The 150-page report said the law failed to recognise Maori property rights as recognised by the courts and advanced the general interests of the public at the expense of Maori.

Te Hiku O Te Ika Iwi Forum Counter-Proposal to Crown Settlement Offer

Submitted by admin2 on Mon, 29/06/2009 - 8:24am


Te Hiku O Te Ika Iwi Forum Negotiators held a teleconference to discuss the results of a meeting on 30th June 2009 between the Chief Crown Negotiator (Pat Snedden) and the Forum Lawyer (Te Kani Williams, who is also a Ngati Kahu Negotiator), and the implications on the timing and agenda for the planned hui-a-iwi in July 2009. 


Swine Flu Confirmed in Ngati Kahu

Submitted by admin2 on Thu, 25/06/2009 - 8:05am

On Monday 22nd May, Influenza A [H1N1], commonly known as swine flu, was confirmed in one of our Ngati Kahu whanau at Pamapuria who had recently returned from Auckland. 

Although the virus is highly contagious, the current form of it is relatively mild.   The Ministry of Health is no longer trying to contain it and advises as follows: 


Te Hiku O Te Ika Iwi Forum Hui-a-Iwi re Crown Settlement Offer

Submitted by admin2 on Thu, 18/06/2009 - 10:14am

The Negotiators representing Te Hiku O Te Ika Iwi Forum plan to hold a series of hui to present and receive feedback from the people of Ngati Kuri, Te Aupouri, Ngaitakoto, Te Rarawa and Ngati Kahu on the Crown offer to settle their claims to Te Aupouri Forest, Te Oneroa-a-Tohe and other lands.  


Te Kokiri Ngatahi Treaty Settlements Hui 2 - Response from Taitokerau Iwi Leaders

Submitted by admin2 on Tue, 16/06/2009 - 7:52pm

On Wednesday 10th June, three senior Crown Ministers met with Iwi leaders from throughout the motu to further discuss options and ideas for accelerating the settlement of historical Treaty claims. 

An unofficial eyewitness report from Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu's CEO has now been posted into the Private Area.

Te Hiku O Te Ika Iwi Forum - Response to Crown Ideas to Accelerate Treaty Settlements

Submitted by admin2 on Fri, 29/05/2009 - 11:06pm

In April 2009 the Prime Minister and Minister of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations met with Iwi leaders from throughout the motu to discuss seven ideas to accelerate Treaty settlements.

A joint response was made to these ideas by the members of Te Hiku O Te Ika Iwi Forum - Ngati Kuri, Te Aupouri, Ngaitakoto, Te Rarawa and Ngati Kahu.

That response has now been posted into the Private Area.
