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Runanga Staff

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Manahautu (Chief Executive)

Ko Puwheke te Maunga
Ko Rangaunu te Moana
Ko Mamaru te Waka
Ko Kahutianui te whaea tupuna
Ko Parata te Tangata
Ko Kareponia te marae
Ko Patu Koraha te hapu
Ko Ngati Kahu te iwi
                    - TIHEI MAURI ORA!

A proud member of all the iwi of Te Hiku as well as a descendant of Nga Tai Umupuia (Tainui), Anahera was born and bred in the north Hokianga community of Pawarenga on her parents dairy farm, and educated at Rotokakahi Maori School, Broadwood District High and Epsom Girls Grammar. 

Anahera has worked in a truly wide range of public, private and voluntary sector jobs - registered nurse, administrator, health advocate, policy analyst, land claim coordinator, statistician, researcher, farmer and more - and has held a number of key leadership positions throughout Northland and Auckland.  She was appointed as Chief Executive at Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu in June 2006. 

A keen proponent of waka ama (strictly social now), Anahera lives in Kaitaia, is married, and has one daughter and a growing tribe of mokopuna - 7 at last count.

Anahera Herbert-Graves

Communications Officer

Te Paatu ki Kauhanga hapū, Ikanui is the communications officer for Te Rūnanga-ā-Iwi o Ngāti Kahu. He has extensive broadcasting experience in Māori radio and television and has trained and led competition-winning kapa haka. Te Ikanui trained as a teacher and holds a Bachelor of Education (Teaching) from Te Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. He currently works with the Ministry of Education.

Ikanui Kingi-Waiaua

Kai Awhina Manahautu - Personal Assistant

After raising her children, Grace returned to the workforce in 2014 as a volunteer at the Runanga. Her administrative and database expertise saw her offered the position as the Iwi Registrar, which she still holds to date in 2021.

Grace has also provided administrative support to the Runanga subsidiary, Ngati Kahu Fisheries Ltd, and has acted as the minute secretary since 2017. In 2021 she was promoted to the position of Kai Awhina Manahautu (Personal Assistant to the CEO).

Grace belongs to the hapu of Patu Koraha at Kareponia marae

Grace Taituha

Financial Administrator

With a background in financial and clerical administration, Jan came to the Runanga from a long career in television production.

She joined the Runanga in 2021 as our Financial Administrator.

Jan also belongs to Patu Koraha hapu of Kareponia Marae.

Rebecca (Jan) Stensness