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Land Claims

Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu holds the mandate of the iwi to negotiate a settlement of Ngati Kahu's historical land claims. 

In 2000 it appointed a team of four Mandated Negotiators - Makari Matiu, Professor Margaret Mutu, Canon Lloyd Popata, and Steve Herewini.  In 2001 the Runanga added Te Kani Williams to the team.  In that same year Makari Matiu, who was also the original Head Claimant, passed away.  In 2006 Steve Herewini also passed. 

The current Mandated Negotiators are Professor Mutu (Chief Negotiator), Canon Lloyd Popata and Te Kani Williams.  They are supported by a backup group drawn from each of the Runanga's member marae as well as the current Head Claimant, Ven Timoti Flavell.

More detailed information on the land claims is contained in the Private Area