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Ngati Kahu Instructions on the Crown's June 2009 Offer to Settle the Shared Interests and Overlapping Claims in Te Hiku o Te Ika

Submitted by admin2 on Wed, 01/07/2009 - 8:23pm

On Saturday 27th June, Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu considered and gave instructions to the Ngati Kahu negotiators on the following matters:

  1. Crown Offer to Settle the Shared Interests and Overlapping Claims of the Five Iwi:  After analysing the offer, Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu supported their negotiators' rejection of it because it did not meet the bottom line principles on which Ngati Kahu had agreed to join the other iwi of Te Hiku (Ngati Kuri, Te Aupouri, Ngai Takoto and Te Rarawa) to negotiate with the Crown over their shared interests and overlapping claims - i.e. Ngati Kahu's AIP was to be the benchmark for the other iwi and all iwi were to be better off.  To understand how these principles are not being addressed by the Crown, refer to the June 2009 Land Claim Report under 'Land Claims' and the Chief Crown Negotiators Analysis in the 'Private Area'.
  2. Te Hiku o Te Ika Iwi Forum Counter-Proposal to the Crown:  Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu instructed their negotiators to continue pushing for the counter-proposal and, if the Crown refuses it, to return for further instructions. [N.B. On Tuesday 30th June, the Forum's lawyer met with the Chief Crown Negotiator and it was clear that the Crown would not be likely to respond to the counter-proposal until next week.]  Details of the 'Te Hiku O Te Ika Iwi Forum Counter-Proposal' can be found in the 'Private Area'. 
  3. Te Hiku o Te Ika Iwi Forum Hui-a-Iwi:  Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu also instructed their negotiators not to attend or call Ngati Kahu to additional hui until there was concrete progress to report.

Our negotiators reported their instructions to the other iwi's negotiators on Wednesday 1st July during a conference call of Te Hiku o Te Ika Iwi Forum. 

The other iwi's negotiators decided they woud use the hui-a-iwi on Saturday 4th and Monday 6th to report back to their people. 

As instructed Ngati Kahu's negotiators were not formally be present (although Te Kani Williams was there as counsel for the Forum) and they will only call Ngati Kahu to hui-a-iwi when there are concrete results to report. 

As always, information will continue to be disseminated to Ngati Kahu via our email group, monthly newsletter, website, iwi radio show and hui-a-marama.

If you wish to add names to the Ngati Kahu email group or to recieve the monthly newsletter, contact 09 4083013 or email