
Hui-a-Iwi in Brisbane, Australia

Submitted by lissa on Mon, 12/04/2010 - 9:35am

Te Rūnanga-ā-Iwi o Ngāti Kahu
Hīkoi ki Piripane (Brisbane, Australia)
30 April 2010
5.30pm – 9pm
Whakatau at Springwood Hotel
Powhiri from Brisbane whānau and Jugera Elders to Ngāti Kahu Team Springwood Hotel
Cnr Springwood and Rochedale Roads
Springwood, Brisbane, Queensland

Ngati Kahu Iwi Show Link

Submitted by lissa on Wed, 10/03/2010 - 5:33pm

Every wednesday night lock into the NGATI KAHU IWI SHOW broadcasted on Te Hiku FM 6.30pm-8-30pm click the link to tune in with your host Te Ikanui Kingi-Waiaua. Keep udated and informed with the AIP settlement, marae hui's, ring in for whanau shout outs 09-4084030 or if you're out of town or on a cellphone ring 0800 894458

What time is it? It's Ngati Kahu time!

National Iwi Leaders Group Hui (4th and 5th February 2010) - Documents Posted in the 'Private Area'

Submitted by admin2 on Wed, 17/02/2010 - 2:37pm

In behalf of Te Waka o Taonui (the Taitokerau Iwi Chairs' Forum) Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu coordinated the 2010 National ILG Hui held at Haruru Falls from the 4th to the 5th February 2010. 

The Meeting Pack sent to the Iwi Chairs of the 57 mandated Iwi Authorities of Aotearoa has been posted in to the Private Area. It contains:
