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Hui-a-Iwi in Brisbane, Australia

Submitted by lissa on Mon, 12/04/2010 - 9:35am

Te Rūnanga-ā-Iwi o Ngāti Kahu
Hīkoi ki Piripane (Brisbane, Australia)
30 April 2010
5.30pm – 9pm
Whakatau at Springwood Hotel
Powhiri from Brisbane whānau and Jugera Elders to Ngāti Kahu Team Springwood Hotel
Cnr Springwood and Rochedale Roads
Springwood, Brisbane, Queensland

1 May 2010
9.30am – 1pm
Ngāti Kahu ...Treaty Negotiations Update Hui
Springwood Hotel
Cnr Springwood and Rochedale Roads
Springwood, Brisbane, Queensland

Second hui on 1 May 2010
5.30pm – 9.00pm
Ngāti Kahu Treaty Negotiations Update Hui
Springwood Hotel
Cnr Springwood and Rochedale Roads
Springwood, Brisbane, Queensland

Please pass on this panui to your whanau living in Brisbane - give them a taste of home.

Tokerau te Moana
Maunga Taniwha te Maunga
Ngati Kahu te Iwi