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Anahera Herbert-Graves in NZ Herald - Smacking Debate

Submitted by admin2 on Thu, 30/07/2009 - 6:56am

Te Runanga-a-Iwi of Ngati Kahu is a party to the Amokura Family Violence Prevention initiative in Tatiokerau, along with Te Aupouri Maori Trust Board, Te Runanga o Te Rarawa, Te Runanga o Whaingaroa, Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngapuhi, Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua and Ngati Wai Trust Board. 

In July 2009, prior to a Citizens-Initiated Referendum on whether parents should be permitted by law to smack their children, the NZ Herald ran a series of articles profiling contributors to the 'smacking debate'. 

Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu's CEO, Anahera Herbert-Graves, was profiled on 30th July.  Her contribution can be read on the link below.