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HIKOI: Say No to Auckland Super-City Without Maori Representation

Start Time: 
Monday, 25 May 2009 - 7:00am

Monday 25 May

7.00am        Breakfast, make lunch and pack up vans

9.00am        Leave Tatai Hono marae for Victoria Park Markets

9.30a.m.      Drop off those taking part in the full hikoi

10.00a.m.    Drop kaumatua kuia behind Aotea Centre (special

provision has been made for their seating and care until the full hikoi arrives at Aotea Square)

10.30am      Hikoi from Victoria Park Markets to bottom of                      of Queen Street

12.00am      Hikoi from bottom of Queen St to Aotea Square

3.00pm        Depart from Aotea Square

5.30pm        Dinner in Whangarei

9.00pm        Vans arrive in Kaitaia

End Time: 
Monday, 25 May 2009 - 9:00pm