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Submitted by admin2 on Sun, 23/10/2022 - 4:24pm

NKSHS Board of Trustees Expression of Interest: Ngati Kahu Social and Health Services (NKSHS) Governance Board is seeking expressions of interest from experienced people who may or may not have a lived experience as tangata Whaiora or have come from healed experience or managing wellbeing.

We are looking for those who can provide input from the perspective of law or community focused with proven experience in Business management and working with their people.

The successful candidate(s) will join a board of trustees with a wide range of experience in commerce, finance, mental health, education, social work and health and disability sectors.

This is an exciting opportunity for people who are good communicators, demonstrates zero tolerance for unethical behaviour, respects the opinions of others comes to meetings on time either face to face or online in Zoom hui, be well prepared and actively participates.

Trustees must meet the standards for trustee certification required by the Charities Service under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957. (

If you believe you have the time, skills and passion to join the Board please complete and send us:
• a fully completed application form (attached)
• a covering letter outlining your interest in Board membership, describe your governance experience, your connections to Ngati Kahu and other work experience
• A signed MOJ vetting form
• your CV and the names and contact details for two referees.

Your application and documentation can be forwarded to the Board Secretary, by email or post to:
Post: Ngati Kahu Social and Health Services PO Box 693 Kaitaia, 0441.

Interested parties may apply online as well if preferred on this link