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Submitted by admin2 on Mon, 24/01/2022 - 1:00pm

KIA HIWA RĀ! KIA HIWA RĀ!. Kia hiwa rā ki tēnei tuku. Kia hiwa rā ki tēra tuku.

Kia tū, kia oho, kia mataara!

E mihi ana ki a koutou, nga tini whanaunga o Ngāti Kahu ki te wā kainga, ki nga tini whanaunga hoki kei te motu. Tangi ana ki te whenua, ka tangi aue tonu ana tō tatou iwi kua takahia atu i te ara wairua. Tēna koutou, tēna koutou, tēna tātou katoa.
The Ngāti Kahu Mobile Hauora Clinic was launched and blessed on Saturday, 22 January 2022. The Venerable Archdeacon Lloyd Popata (Te Paatu, Pikaahu hapū) lead the proceedings. The whanau placed their hands all around the campervan to bless the waka for the journey ahead. The whanau too, that will provide manaakitanga on this mobile clinic were also blessed for the journey.

Today, Monday 24 January 2022, the Northland District Health Board approved the Ngāti Kahu Mobile Hauora Clinic to deliver the COVID-19 vaccine rongoa.

The Hauora Portfolio of Te Rūnanga-ā-Iwi o Ngāti Kahu set the foundations for the creation of a Mobile Vaccine clinic to travel around the rohe and papakainga of Ngāti Kahu to provide this rongoa to whānau, hapū and iwi.

The Mobile Hauora Clinic goes live from Tuesday, 25 January 2022. The campervan will be situated on the Karikari whenua from 10am – 2pm at the Mutu Papakainga.

Wednesday 26 January 2022, from 10am – 2pm, the clinic will be parked on the grass by the entrance gate at Maitai Bay Camp Grounds.

All whānau on the peninsula are invited to come and have a kōrero with the kaimahi and to bring any questions you may have.

The whanaunga on the Mobile Hauora Clinic are; Barbara Warren, Nurse Practitioner; Dr John Mutu- Grigg (Te Whānau Moana), Dr Gab Mutu-Grigg (Hunaonga ki Ngāti Kahu), Whaea Leona Steele (Te Whānau Moana / Te Rorohuri); Whaea Kui Rhind (Te Whānau Moana, Te Rorohuri), Whaea Marilyn Hekeua-Hack (Te Whānau Moana, Te Rorohuri), Rob Brown (Te Whānau Moana, Te Rorohuri), Kayla Brown-Hunt (Te Whānau Moana, Te Rorohuri).

The kaupapa of the Mobile Hauora Clinic is to offer the COVID-19 vaccination for the 1st dose, 2nd dose and the booster for ages 12 years and older. The tamariki vaccines for 5 – 11 year olds will be coming online soon.

The other kaupapa is to help whānau prepare and plan their whare should there be a positive COVID-19 case amongst them. The plan will include how to restrict the COVID-19 virus spreading amongst the whānau.

0800 KAHUTIA is a free calling number if you would like any further information on the Mobile Hauora Clinic and it’s kaupapa.

Keep a watch out on the facebook and Ngāti Kahu kumara vine for the next locations within the rohe the clinic will be travelling to.

Kia mataara e te iwi!

Nāku i runga hoki i te aroha, i te rangimārie. nā, Bardia Matiu

Interim Operations Manager
Te Rūnanga-ā-Iwi o Ngāti Kah