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Submitted by admin2 on Sun, 16/01/2022 - 11:43am

UPDATE 10AM Sunday 16 January:
The national advisory for strong and unusual currents and unpredictable surges at the shore has been extended to include the west coast of the South Island.
This morning we have also received reports of surge activity on Northland's west coast so continue to advise people to stay away from beaches and shorelines on both of Northland's coasts.
UPDATE 7.30AM Sunday 16 January:
Daylight has confirmed the extent of the damage at Tutukaka Marina, with sad news for the owners of a number of boats and clean-up work already well underway.
What is also clear is that frequent and strong surge activity is continuing now - on top of the seas that are already being driven in from Cyclone Cody - and is likely to be taking place along the full length of Northland's east coast. Experience from past tsunami events has been that this activity can continue for a number of days, and that locations that have previously been calm can suddenly experience unpredictable surges.
Please continue to take extreme care in and around the water and don't give in to the temptation to go sightseeing - the combination of the effects of Cyclone Cody and already-heightened sea levels with tsunami surge from the Tonga eruption has the potential to create hazards that have not previously been experienced.
UPDATE 11.58PM Saturday 15 January:
We're aware of a number of impacts that have taken place along Northland's east coast this evening. These impacts have generally been localised and either in, or close to, the water, but in at least one instance have caused significant damage: Tutukaka Marina, where there has been damage to a number of boats and marina structures, with people who live on their boats within the marina evacuated as a precaution.
Elsewhere in Northland, a number of coastal campgrounds were evacuated or campers relocated due to incoming waves.
It's a challenge to distinguish the effects of the storm surge generated by Cyclone Cody, from currents/surges resulting from the volcanic eruption in Tonga, but our best assessment at this stage is that the two combined in a number of specific places, with local landforms also playing a part.
Damage assessment/cleanup efforts will begin in earnest in the morning at Tutukaka Marina in particular (noting that Tonga is also facing a major cleanup).
We'd like to thank all of the Northland emergency services and agencies, community members, iwi and businesses who have provided assistance tonight and will be continuing to do so over the coming days.
We remind people to continue to take great care around beachfronts, estuaries etc - following tsunami events in the past, unpredictable effects have continued for a number of days, and of course we still have large waves coming in from Cyclone Cody.
It's not a time for taking chances.
While there have already been warnings of potentially hazardous rip currents, sea surges and coastal inundation created by Cyclone Cody, in response to the volcanic eruption and tsunami in Tonga this evening (Saturday 15 January), NZ Civil Defence has issued the following advisory:
'We have issued a NATIONAL ADVISORY: TSUNAMI ACTIVITY following the Tongan eruption.
We expect New Zealand coastal areas on the north and east coast of the North Island and the Chatham Islands to experience strong and unusual currents and unpredictable surges at the shore.
There is no need to evacuate unless directly advised by local civil defence authorities.
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Please note that the sea conditions caused by Cyclone Cody that are already in place on the Northland coast will continue beyond the duration of this advisory from the National Emergency Management Agency.