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Foreshore and Seabed Act Review Hearing

Start Time: 
Friday, 15 May 2009 - 10:00am

VENUE:  Otiria Marae, Moerewa

AGENDA:  Hearing of oral submissions from Taitokerau iwi

NOTE:  An ope from Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu, lead by Te Taumata Kaumatua o Ngati Kahu, will be attending this hui at Otiria marae to support the oral submission of our Acting Chief Negotiator, Te Kani Williams, in behalf of Ngati Kahu.

The Ngati Kahu written submission will be posted into the private area in the near future.

End Time: 
Friday, 15 May 2009 - 1:00pm