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Ngati Kahu Permit Kaitiaki Hui

Start Time: 
Thursday, 14 May 2009 - 10:00am

VENUE:  21A Parkdale Cres, Kaitaia

BACKGROUND:  There have been several complaints from the Ministry of Fisheries and others about the following problems with permits issued under S27A throughout Te Hiku O Te Ika:


  • Permits are being issued by kaitiaki from one rohe for kaimoana to be gathered from another rohe
  • Permits are being issued for unrealistic amounts
  • Permits are being issued for people to use diving bottles to get to larger paua
  • Permits are not being completed correctly
  • People are not reporting back to permit issuers on how much kaimoana they actually took
  • Permit Kaitiaki are not doing their monthly returns to the Ministry.

The results of all of these problems are that we have no clear evidence of how much kaimoana is being taken out of our rohe, BUT our own hapu are clearly reporting that kaimoana stocks in the rohe are terribly depleted, and they are being forced to go elsewhere for kaimoana to fulfil their Manaaki role for their marae and whanau.


To reverse the depletion and improve our ability to Manaaki ourselves and our manuhiri with kaimoana, Te Runanga-a-Iwi O Ngati Kahu is calling a hui of all Ngati Kahu permit kaitiaki to come up with a united Ngati Kahu approach to issuing permits in our rohe and to maintaining records of actual permitted takes. 

We will then take our Ngati Kahu position to the wider Te Hiku O Te Ika Fisheries Forum hui in June.

End Time: 
Thursday, 14 May 2009 (All day)