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STATEMENT AND DECLARATION: All information on this form is confidential and is gathered solely for the purposes of registering descendants of Kahutianui and Te Parata as Beneficiaries of Te Rūnanga-ā-Iwi o Ngāti Kahu, in accordance with Ngāti Kahu Tikanga, the Māori Fisheries Act 2004 and the Privacy Act 1993.

1. This online application will be sent to the Ngati Kahu Iwi Registrar who will then send you the official registration form.
2. When you or your caregiver have completed, signed and dated the form, it must be returned to the Registrar at the address on the form.
3. On receipt of your completed registration form, the Registrar will process it as follows:
a) Enter your un-validated registration details in the Iwi Register
b) Generate and send you a letter acknowledging receipt of your registration form and explaining the full registration procedure
c) File the hard copy of your form in the “REGISTRATION SUBCOMMITTEE” folder.
d) Refer your form to the Registration Subcommittee for verification and validation.
4. Once verification and validation have been completed, the Registrar shall:
a)Check the validation field in the Register
b) Generate a Ngati Kahu Iwi Number (NKIN) for you.
c) Generate and send a letter confirming your acceptance as a Beneficiary and providing you with your NKIN
5. If your registration is declined, the Registrar shall notify you in writing of the decision and advise you of your rights to dispute the decision and provide you with the dispute procedure you can invoke.
6. Once all dispute procedures have been exhausted, the Registrar shall notify you of the final decision to validate or decline your application and then file the hard copy in the ‘VALIDATED FOLDER” or the “DECLINED FOLDER”